Sunday, December 19, 2010

Well already

Yellow is my colour, maybe? What do you think?
Finally this bout of sickness seems to be over (fingers crossed). After finishing the Augmentin antibiotic, she was fine for two days and then started having high fevers of 40C. Took her to the paedi again, who said we'd better do a blood test rather than keep stuffing her with antibiotics. To my horror, paedi later called to say Jo Ern must be admitted to a hospital. Apparently her white blood count and platelet levels were way above normal and further tests were urgently needed to find out what was wrong. Paedi suspected Kawasaki disease if not just a severe bacterial infection. Oh my poor baby!
Went to the nearest hospital which happened to be a government one. They did another blood test and an x-ray. The blood test showed levels that weren't as high. Doc said those was fine for a baby and sent us back with another round of Augmentin. I was just happy to be able to take Jo Ern home! A private hospital would have admitted her already! But I was apprehensive - wondered if a government doc is good (definitely much cheaper than paedi). I was concerned that the fevers would return after THIS round of Augmentin.
A week later... Augmentin finished... mummy anxiously checking forehead ALL the time...
And now, ANOTHER week later, I think ok la, Jo Ern is all well again!
Went out to 1U today after weeks of staying home. Good times are back. :)


  1. yay! glad to read all is well again:) i wonder what virus she was battling?
    ps. her hair is looking thick and lovely!

  2. as first time parents..surely we will be anxious. and the many trips to the paed or hospital. for me, i told myself repeatedly not to be anxious, in case i jump into conclusion. so when philip is sick..normally i will let him cure on his own (very little medi n lots of fluid). if more than 1 week, then i will visit the doctors.

  3. MC, I'm happy to put it down to 'unknown causes' if only it would never come back! Haha thanks for the comment on her hair. The double swirls at the back of her head are very prominent though, so she might have a tough time managing her hair next time.

    Rachel, I was worried sick about brain damage since she's only a baby. I should be able to be more relaxed about illnesses once she's older (hopefully!).

  4. Wow, what an ordeal for a little baby!
    A fever that high...really scary. and some more so long.
    Anyway, thank God the storm has passed and lots of rainbows and chirpy birds ahead.
    Have a great Christmas with Jo Ern and family.
