Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sit, Jo Ern

Sit already, Mummy. Now what?

Last week Jo Ern couldn't sit without flopping alternately backwards, forwards or sideways. Now, suddenly, she can.
She still doesn't crawl yet even though she has been trying for a long time. Her legs brace and kick but only succeed in moving her little butt up. The front part of the body remains stubbornly in place! She can 'move' by rolling though and I do need to keep an eye on her. At least now I can still read my book while doing that. Heh.


  1. conversely, sean is crwaling but not sitting so steadily yet!

  2. Haha really? I thought sitting comes before crawling. Looks like there is no 'proper sequence' then!

  3. Clap! Clap! Well done Jo Ern! Another milestone achieved!

  4. Jo Ern suddenly looks much bigger with her newly acquired skill. Good job, Jo Ern!

  5. Heh, I guess it's a change from the lying-down pose!

  6. I like this name Jo Ern, hey stumbled upon your blog,say hi before saying bye,,

    take care now ya

  7. Hi Eugene,

    Thanks for dropping by. :)
